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- package FileCache;
- our $VERSION = '1.07';
- =head1 NAME
- FileCache - keep more files open than the system permits
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use FileCache;
- # or
- use FileCache maxopen => 16;
- cacheout $mode, $path;
- # or
- cacheout $path;
- print $path @data;
- $fh = cacheout $mode, $path;
- # or
- $fh = cacheout $path;
- print $fh @data;
- The C<cacheout> function will make sure that there's a filehandle open
- for reading or writing available as the pathname you give it. It
- automatically closes and re-opens files if you exceed your system's
- maximum number of file descriptors, or the suggested maximum I<maxopen>.
- =over
- =item cacheout EXPR
- The 1-argument form of cacheout will open a file for writing (C<< '>' >>)
- on it's first use, and appending (C<<< '>>' >>>) thereafter.
- Returns EXPR on success for convenience. You may neglect the
- return value and manipulate EXPR as the filehandle directly if you prefer.
- =item cacheout MODE, EXPR
- The 2-argument form of cacheout will use the supplied mode for the initial
- and subsequent openings. Most valid modes for 3-argument C<open> are supported
- namely; C<< '>' >>, C<< '+>' >>, C<< '<' >>, C<< '<+' >>, C<<< '>>' >>>,
- C< '|-' > and C< '-|' >
- To pass supplemental arguments to a program opened with C< '|-' > or C< '-|' >
- append them to the command string as you would system EXPR.
- Returns EXPR on success for convenience. You may neglect the
- return value and manipulate EXPR as the filehandle directly if you prefer.
- =back
- =head1 CAVEATS
- While it is permissible to C<close> a FileCache managed file,
- do not do so if you are calling C<FileCache::cacheout> from a package other
- than which it was imported, or with another module which overrides C<close>.
- If you must, use C<FileCache::cacheout_close>.
- Although FileCache can be used with piped opens ('-|' or '|-') doing so is
- strongly discouraged. If FileCache finds it necessary to close and then reopen
- a pipe, the command at the far end of the pipe will be reexecuted - the results
- of performing IO on FileCache'd pipes is unlikely to be what you expect. The
- ability to use FileCache on pipes may be removed in a future release.
- FileCache does not store the current file offset if it finds it necessary to
- close a file. When the file is reopened, the offset will be as specified by the
- original C<open> file mode. This could be construed to be a bug.
- =head1 BUGS
- F<sys/param.h> lies with its C<NOFILE> define on some systems,
- so you may have to set I<maxopen> yourself.
- =cut
- require 5.006;
- use Carp;
- use strict;
- no strict 'refs';
- # These are not C<my> for legacy reasons.
- # Previous versions requested the user set $cacheout_maxopen by hand.
- # Some authors fiddled with %saw to overcome the clobber on initial open.
- use vars qw(%saw $cacheout_maxopen);
- $cacheout_maxopen = 16;
- use base 'Exporter';
- our @EXPORT = qw[cacheout cacheout_close];
- my %isopen;
- my $cacheout_seq = 0;
- sub import {
- my ($pkg,%args) = @_;
- # Use Exporter. %args are for us, not Exporter.
- # Make sure to up export_to_level, or we will import into ourselves,
- # rather than our calling package;
- __PACKAGE__->export_to_level(1);
- Exporter::import( $pkg );
- # Truth is okay here because setting maxopen to 0 would be bad
- return $cacheout_maxopen = $args{maxopen} if $args{maxopen};
- # XXX This code is crazy. Why is it a one element foreach loop?
- # Why is it using $param both as a filename and filehandle?
- foreach my $param ( '/usr/include/sys/param.h' ){
- if (open($param, '<', $param)) {
- local ($_, $.);
- while (<$param>) {
- if( /^\s*#\s*define\s+NOFILE\s+(\d+)/ ){
- $cacheout_maxopen = $1 - 4;
- close($param);
- last;
- }
- }
- close $param;
- }
- }
- $cacheout_maxopen ||= 16;
- }
- # Open in their package.
- sub cacheout_open {
- return open(*{caller(1) . '::' . $_[1]}, $_[0], $_[1]) && $_[1];
- }
- # Close in their package.
- sub cacheout_close {
- # Short-circuit in case the filehandle disappeared
- my $pkg = caller($_[1]||0);
- defined fileno(*{$pkg . '::' . $_[0]}) &&
- CORE::close(*{$pkg . '::' . $_[0]});
- delete $isopen{$_[0]};
- }
- # But only this sub name is visible to them.
- sub cacheout {
- my($mode, $file, $class, $ret, $ref, $narg);
- croak "Not enough arguments for cacheout" unless $narg = scalar @_;
- croak "Too many arguments for cacheout" if $narg > 2;
- ($mode, $file) = @_;
- ($file, $mode) = ($mode, $file) if $narg == 1;
- croak "Invalid mode for cacheout" if $mode &&
- ( $mode !~ /^\s*(?:>>|\+?>|\+?<|\|\-|)|\-\|\s*$/ );
- # Mode changed?
- if( $isopen{$file} && ($mode||'>') ne $isopen{$file}->[1] ){
- &cacheout_close($file, 1);
- }
- if( $isopen{$file}) {
- $ret = $file;
- $isopen{$file}->[0]++;
- }
- else{
- if( scalar keys(%isopen) > $cacheout_maxopen -1 ) {
- my @lru = sort{ $isopen{$a}->[0] <=> $isopen{$b}->[0] } keys(%isopen);
- $cacheout_seq = 0;
- $isopen{$_}->[0] = $cacheout_seq++ for
- splice(@lru, int($cacheout_maxopen / 3)||$cacheout_maxopen);
- &cacheout_close($_, 1) for @lru;
- }
- unless( $ref ){
- $mode ||= $saw{$file} ? '>>' : ($saw{$file}=1, '>');
- }
- #XXX should we just return the value from cacheout_open, no croak?
- $ret = cacheout_open($mode, $file) or croak("Can't create $file: $!");
- $isopen{$file} = [++$cacheout_seq, $mode];
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- 1;